It is very rare that I reach out to Jesus to ask questions. . The first comment he said, “ I know your thoughts.
He continued to say, Time is very short. Be patient. I am the only one who knows the hour of the departure of my church. It is very close.”
Pray for those who have not found faith in my work. Help as many as you can to recognize the time. A splendid experience awaits my church. You will see wonders here and all dreams will come true.
Some of you know I am a Botanical artist. I had to ask— will I be able to paint in heaven?
Jesus responded by saying, “ yes, of course. You will have many specimens to choose from here. ( he means plants). Some you have never seen on earth. You will find ecstasy in the possibilities. Be patient, You are loved. Many will know you when you step on to the heavenly plains.
I have to say— thank God I will still be able to paint!!!!!!!!! LOL Some of you know I paint plants. You can see my work on Fine Art America/
I think he is referring to family and friends. According to the Bible, the dead in Christ rise first. I expect my mother and grandmothers will be there ahead of my arrival. My grandmother was also a Catholic like myself and a spiritual medium. The same was true with her mother although I never met my great grandmother.
What do we need to know
The Anti-Christ is not President Trump
The current Pope Francis is on his death bed. It occurred to me that his replacement may be the Anti-Christ. Also—- Pope Francis could be the last pope. If that is true the Anti-Christ will come from outside of the church.
The Anti-Christ will arrive on earth after the Church is raptured
The Anti-Christ is called the Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns. This is mentioned in Daniel:7 in the Bible.
The Anti-Christ turns evil when the world reaches the mid-point of the Tribulation. The Church will already have been raptured
The Anti-Christ will suffer a head wound and then be elevated to royalty
The Anti-Christ then rules under Satan. He will tell the world he brings peace but just the opposite happens.
Destruction will come quickly. When the church returns to earth after 7 years with Christ in heaven, the entire world will be a mess. We will return and I am sure be a part of the re-building of the world.
Toxic People feel Uncomfortable Around You
You see the world differently. You can feel uncomfortable with certain people and you are highly sensitive. You can sense danger but can’t prevent it.
You know BEFORE something happens Nd you can be a target of envy. This is because you project an inner light and it arouses negativity in others.
You don’t fit in everywhere and you don’t always have an interest in a group activity.
Children and animals are attracted to you!
God has spoken to you through dreams and signs
When you pray things get better.
I loved this . It was written many years ago. Many Blessings to all who read!!!! Love, Jane