We are on the Brink of the Tribulation

The Signs Say We are at the End


This is the hardest post I have written. This is because I feel we are close to serious end-time events. God stepped in and saved the life of Donald Trump, however, I don’t think he will have the opportunity to be President again. The Rapture may interfere with the election. As I write this Kamala is the interim President.

A few weeks ago there was an attack on innocent children playing ball in Israel. Many died.

There is a group behind the scenes who want to take control. Biden has NEVER been in control.

This is my opinion: I believe the Rapture will remove all Christians from the earth before the election. I doubt there will be an election. Infact, the Rapture could be very close. When the city of Damascus is a heap of rubble, which is coming soon, the church ( Believers in Christ), will be gone.

I also believe there will be a financial Collapse. This is not far away.

The signs are so clear—- A meteor flew over the Statue of Liberty last week. It was moving at 34,000 miles an hour. Could it be a sign of the end of America? In 2029 an asteroid will make a close pass of the Earth. It is the Wormwood asteroid mentioned in the Bible.

There has been a shift to a demonic world view. This was clear during the Paris Olympics. An anti-christ will step forward soon. Believers will not know who this is. We will only find out when the Tribulation is over.

I was disturbed to see chanting to a Pagan God closed the first night of the Republican Convention. Most Republicans are very conservative. It made me realize that the spirit of the Anti-Christ is here already.

Most knowledgable folks say all the signs are now in place.

This a passage from the Holy Bible—- One of my favorites:

How do we receive grace and peace from God? Grace is God’s free gift of salvation. It is freely offered, even though we don’t deserve it. All we have to do is accept it. We do this by believing in what God says,—that he sent his son, Jesus to die on the cross, taking the penalty for our sins upon himself so that we are free to enjoy eternal life with him. When we truly believe this, we will follow Jesus as our Lord because he is perfect and right in all he does. With him by our side every day we have nothing to fear.” First Corinthians 1:3.

I started writing this blog the day the young children playing soccer in northern Israel occured. Many died. When children are a target, society has lost its way and ofcourse left God behind. It is sad and at the same time we know better days lie ahead. It is time to get on the Jesus boat!

I love you all! I hope we see each other in heaven!