There are so many events happening all over the world. I asked Saint Germain to write the entire post this month but he was surprised when another voice stepped in! I don’t know where to begin! So— Here is my channeled conversation with him. My focus is on the current moment.
Saint Germain- God Bless you dear one. I have full awareness of all events transpiring on earth every moment. Time is very short- Be patient a little while longer. There are discussions here about the timing and the sound of the alarm.
Jane - He is referring to the rapture.
Jesus stepped in and said, “LOOK UP! Watch for a red pink sky at a moment you do not expect to see this. It is a sign from your Lord to believers of my decision to retrieve the church, This sign is a message that I am near and your journey has just begun.
I desire my church to stay calm and know I am present. I AM with you. No harm will come to my people. You will soon experience the wonder of eternal life. Remember this, and remain serene, quiet, and watchful.”
Jane- He is indicating that the Rapture of the Church is imminent. .I don’t believe Donald Trump will change any prophetic event. However, his presidency could be affected if the Anti-Christ appears before the end of his term in office. I don’t know if President Trump is a Believer in Christ. He may attend religious services, but unless he has accepted Jesus as his savior and firmly believes in the finished work of Jesus, he will remain on earth for the Tribulation. Most of you know this is the 7 years of trouble when the church is removed and non-believers are left behind.
I could be wrong in my opinion of Trump. If anything happens in his presidency he might be replaced by the Anti-Christ. Also, he could hold off the Anti-Christ from taking power until the last minute!
I asked about the timing. Saint Germain spoke and said, “ Time is brief.” The Rapture will occur when Jesus rings the bell. There will also be the sound of trumpets. ( The Shofar will probably be the instrument. This is a Jewish trumpet.) He continued to say; before we hear these sounds there will be total silence. Even the birds will be still. All animals will sense a change in the atmosphere, and some will be quiet because of fear.
I was told to continue all my activities. There is nothing we can do except accept Jesus as our savior and know he shed his blood for all of us.
I asked Saint Germain to comment on the of the timing and what Believers can expect on the other side. He said the following, “ Dear One, This is Saint Germain. There are many Masters working to prepare for the arrival of the Believers. There will be a sense of release from the responsibilities of the physical plain. Those who love Jesus will welcome the time here.—- in order to think about the future, and in many cases, participate in the planning of the new world. There will be Peace. However, the population of earth will be diminished due to the loss of many souls during the sorrowful years on earth with the Anti-Christ in power. Those who abide in Christ will prosper and enjoy the many opportunities to learn new things and explore parts of the Universe with Teachers and Guides. God Bless you dear Jane and all those who read these words.” Saint Germain
PS- As I make this post live there is so much happening. Planes are falling from the sky and fires are erupting in California and Philadelphia. The Bird Flu is causing poultry farms to kill thousands of chickens. Earthquakes continue—- one 5.5 in Mexico recently. Fires are breaking out in western North Carolina again. Chaos is almost everywhere across the planet.
Get on the Jesus Train. Accept Jesus as your savior. He shed his blood for you and me. I love you all. Jane