A Conversation with Jesus and Saint Germain

                                  A Conversation with Jesus and Saint Germain

As we approach Valentines Day I hope we receive clarity about the years ahead. The world is confusing and divided. Technology is expanding and this will affect all aspects of our lives. When the Rapture happens a lot of people will leave. I expect the Anti- Christ will appear just before this happens.

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The Miraculous Staircase

The Miraculous Staircase

This is a conversation with the Ascended Master Saint Germain about the Miraculous staircase in the southwest part of the United States. Saint Germain was also Saint Joseph and he was the one who showed up to build these amazing stairs allowing the use of the extra space. he disappeared before anyone was able to say thank you!

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This is about the word surrender.—- It is a word which seems to be significant today. Sometimes we have to let go realizing we can’t control everything happening around us. We can only control our own personal lives

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Walking On Eggshells with Toxic People

Walking On Eggshells with Toxic People

This post is about Toxic people. They have hard edges like the stones I have used to illustrate this post. They are easily irritated and can make a relationship unbearable. if you are a spiritual person or an empath, your life can be almost unbearable . It is like living on an emotional roller coaster. It can also be a parent or sibling.

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