Read MoreWe are on the Brink of the Tribulation →
/Tine is short as the world prepares for major End-Time changes ahead, Prophecy will be fullfilled
Read MoreIt Looks Like Everything Is Falling Apart-- BUT Things are actually coming Together; The Best is Yet to Come!→
/It looks like everything is falling apart, but it is really falling into Place
Read MoreProphecy #11→
/This is my is my 11th Post on current Prophetic Events happening all over the world.
Read MoreTime Travel--Is It Real? →
/This was a fun piece to write. I was a a bit surprised. about the content.
Read MoreA Conversation about UFO's, Skin Walker Ranch, and Disclosure with Saint Germain→
/This post is about Disclosure and the activity going on at Skin Walker Ranch in Utah
Read MoreWhat is a Woke World→
/This post is about Disney Land and the adoption of wok culture including transgender acceptance. Saint Germain weighs in on this topic.
Read MoreMiracle on the Washington D.C Beltway→
/A Personal Miracle on the Washington D.C. Beltway. I was blessed by the Holy Spirit.
Read MoreThin Places
/This is a picture I took early in the morning walking in an isolated place ion Ireland called the Burren. I was all alone and there was a sensation of transcending time and place.
Read MoreThe Spiritual Rays
/I write about the fascinating subject of the Spiritual Rays. We were born with 7 energies affecting our soul, mind, personality, emotions, and physical bodies. It is amazing to learn how correct these qualities are in our current circumstances.
Read MoreWalking On Eggshells with Toxic People→
/This post is about Toxic people. They have hard edges like the stones I have used to illustrate this post. They are easily irritated and can make a relationship unbearable. if you are a spiritual person or an empath, your life can be almost unbearable . It is like living on an emotional roller coaster. It can also be a parent or sibling.
Read MoreWill Jesus Return?
/In this post I asked Saint Germain and Jesus about the Second Coming of Christ
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As we approach Valentines Day I hope we receive clarity about the years ahead. The world is confusing and divided. Technology is expanding and this will affect all aspects of our lives. When the Rapture happens a lot of people will leave. I expect the Anti- Christ will appear just before this happens.