World War 3 is Here

Once you walk into a cage the door will be closed!

  • Get on The Ark Before it is too late- Christians will be protected.

  • Jesus is coming soon!

  • Everything is Smoke and Mirrors!

We are in a serious time. Even Saint Germain said to me this week, “ Time is short.” This is the moment to accept Jesus as your savior.”

Nobody knows the exact time of the Rapture of the Chuch, however, some very credible people are saying it is very close. Nato has called up forces, F 16’s are patroling the Coasts of the United States, Russia has a submarine in our waters, and the northern part of Israel is under attack. The United States has given away many of our weapons to Ukraine, and Nato is mobilizing its troops. The USA is on high alert. Once events begin to happen everything we know and trust will dissappear. You may remember that I mentioned the fall of Damascus as an important sign. Israel is moving the war north and I believe Damascus will fall. Lebanon is next to Syria and there has been a large evacuation of the people in Lebanon.

We have a critical presidential election coming up. If the election date falls after the Rapture, I doubt there wil be an election. At that point the Anti-Christ will step on the world stage and declare himself the leader of the world.

One of my greatest concerns is that people in general don’t know about the events I am writing about. They go about their daily business without any real concern about the events lining up around us. It is hard for me to understand this. Maybe they think if they don’t talk about it, the war will dissappear! Life is not normal. This is why I write about this every month. I want all of you on the Jesus boat!

Jesus showed me a 2 minute warning before the Rapture of the church. This is when all Christians are removed from the earth for 7 years. As I have said before, when the city of Damascus falls, the church ( which is called the restrainer) , will be raptured in an instant.

Russia dropped the United States dollar. Other countries will also do this soon. Australia just started working on a crypto system. Everyone will have an ID# and the government will know everything about you. Everything you buy and sell will be monitored by govermental control. You won’t have access to services if you fail to comply. Basically—- you lose your freedom and ability to feed your families. I would be restricted in the type of information I could share on a post like this.

Countries are drawing up evacuation plans and planning for war. Russia met with North Korea and they formed an alliance.

Strategic Bombers are heading to waters off Cuba and Venezuela.

Russia has been in the harbor around Cuba with a nuclear sub. These are coastal waters not too far from the coast of the United States.

Don’t believe what you hear: Trust and verify first!

100,000 people in Israel are homeless. The Great Northern war with Hezzbollah is imminent.

4 major volcanos are waking up, and as I write this post, Yellowstone is erupting.

Lots of folks are having rapture dreams. I had one recently. I was standing in line to see Jesus. The line was long! He was on a high chair dressed completely in white. It was very quiet and it felt surreal. Hard to describe, but very encouraging. I also ha a dream that the United States Presidential election will be cancelled.

Israel is being hit in the far north, and Syria has also been bombed. Many Israli’s are homeless. Russia is teamed up with North Korea and this is not good. Many of the hostages are still being held, or have died in captivity.

God will step in soon— Only God can save Israel. This where we put our trust.

A final note—— We are facing a world war with a President who can hardly speak. The Democratic party needs to do better than this. Our country is in peril because the leadership is seriously compromised. I was appalled and it is very concerning for all of us. Remember— Americans are not the only ones who ssee the news and recognize the weakness of the United States.

Do a little prepping— Have some x-tra food and water. Christians believe in the Rapture, however, we don’t know the time of it.

I hope all of you will step up to protect yourselves and families. You can’t force folks to understand this if they have blinders on and are not paying attention. My guess is — about 40% of the United States might know what is going on, and the other 60 percent will miss the boat when it leaves port.

Sending love to all of you! I hope I will post next month!

PS - Here is a good You Tube channel—- Watchwoman65. I also like Watchman River with Tom Cote. They keep me up to date and I think they both love our country. Many Blessings to those of you reading this. Jane