What is Heaven Like?

I asked Saint Germain to answer questions for me to share with you about heaven. After all, some of us may be visiting some day. Some of his answers to my questions were very interesting.

  • Where is Heaven

  • Saint Germain says it is in Gods Dimension. Jesus says it is a place. He said, “I have gone to prepare a place for you.”

  • What Does Heaven look like?

Saint Germain- It is indeed a beautiful place however, difficult to describe. When you arrive here there is a noticable difference in the air. It is full of vibrations one would never notice on earth. These vibrations are comforting to those who arrive home. Think of this as a baby who is rocked in a cradle—- such is the sensation.

  • Are there elevators in Heaven? ( I asked this question because of a dream I had).

Saint Germain - “Yes, indeed. There are many levels here and moving parts. You will enjoy the experience of moving through various fields of energy as you move upwards and downwards.” This is very hard to visualize!!!

  • If we have an incorruptible body can it handle food or liquids?

Saint Germain- It is a Holy body. It does not have the same needs as a human body. One does not bathe as the envoronment here keeps the spiritual body clean.

  • Is it neccessary to wear clothes?

Saint Germain- He laughed at this question and then said, “ you wear a spiritual garment. This reflects who you are.” He went on to say this garment has no color. It is composed of vibration and tone.

( I thought this was interesting and something I have not heard before. I think he means this is a light body—- not dense as a physical body.)

  • When we return to earth after the 7 year Tribulation, will we have a new human body, retain the body from heaven, or go back to the previous body?

Saint Germain- You will be given a new human body—- not through birth, but instead through the gift of life that only Jesus can provide through the permission of the Father ( GOD). It will be a strong physical body— a human body. It will require food, shelter and rest.”

  • Do we eat or sleep in Heaven?

Saint Germain - One has a choice. Some souls want to rest; others do not. The spitritual body will accomodate your desires. If you choose to taste a favorite food, it is available. Most souls find more interesting things to do.

  • Will we know the events happening on earth when we are in heaven?

Saint Germain- Yes, indeed. You will be given all the details concerning the demise and re-birth of planet earth. There will be much work after the 7 years of pain and sorrow on earth. You will be carefully schooled in this work before Jesus sends you back.

It sounds like we will be very busy after the 7 year Tribulation and our return to earth!

  • How will we travel in heaven?

Saint Germain - “By thought. “ He did say there is a sense of elevation in heaven— or a sensation of being present above the physical worlds. He said the atmosphere is light and there are sounds which will make us feel good.

  • Do we need money in heaven?

Saint Germain - He laughed and said,” there is no cost to that which is available to all.”

  • Is there water in Heaven?

Saint Germain- Yes. water is therapeutic. Souls who arrive from difficult lives are sent to water portals. Each portal is a healing area with the perfect combination of energies are designed to bring peace to the soul.

  • Death is followed by an immediate ability to comprehend the new location.

  • This is a postscript- I am including a comment made in a channeling session with Jesus. I asked if the rapture was close. He said this, “ Although it is close, it is not immediate. Be patient as it is better you do not know the exact time. Be in anticipation of a new experience and new friends in a place of beauty. He said angry mobs will continue to destroy the earth, but they will have no one to persecute except themselves.