As we approach Valentines Day I hope we receive clarity about the years ahead. The world is confusing and divided. Technology is expanding and this will affect all aspects of our lives. When the Rapture happens a lot of people will leave. I expect the Anti- Christ will appear just before this happens.
Read MoreThe Miraculous Staircase
/This is a conversation with the Ascended Master Saint Germain about the Miraculous staircase in the southwest part of the United States. Saint Germain was also Saint Joseph and he was the one who showed up to build these amazing stairs allowing the use of the extra space. he disappeared before anyone was able to say thank you!
Read MoreMiracle on the Washington D.C Beltway→
/A Personal Miracle on the Washington D.C. Beltway. I was blessed by the Holy Spirit.
Read MoreThe Spiritual Rays
/I write about the fascinating subject of the Spiritual Rays. We were born with 7 energies affecting our soul, mind, personality, emotions, and physical bodies. It is amazing to learn how correct these qualities are in our current circumstances.
Read MoreWill Jesus Christ Return to Earth?
/In this post I ask Saint Germain if Jesus will return to earth and when this is could happen. I also share an old prayer which some believe dates back to the time of Jesus.
Read MoreReligion versus Spirituality
/So many of us struggle between organized religion and spirituality. Do they belong together? Saint Germain answers questions posed by myself and one of my students about this topic. We also discuss the role of Catholicism in the merging of religion and spirit.
Read MoreWhen Religion Fails You?
/Has organized religion failed you? Old souls know there is more. and organized religion takes us only part way.
Read MoreHealth from a Spiritual Perspective
/In this article I share Saint Germain's teachings on health and wellness. We are powerful beings and often give this power away. The body is not who we are!
Read MoreRelationships form Spiritual Perspective
/Relationships are spiritual. Every time you give your attention to another human being, you also give them love.
Read MoreSigns and Symbols from Spirit
/Saint Germain always says, " Be a hunter of signs and symbols sent to you from us." This is an article about awareness and recognition of the signs constantly sent to us by our spiritual teams.
Read MoreAn Encounter from Heaven
/Some people come into your life for a reason, some for a season, and others for a lifetime. I share a personal story of myself and and an Irish artist and how the encounter can be defined as divine.
Read MoreSpiritual Code of Conduct
/This blog post may remind you of the ten commandments but this one goes deeper.
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As we approach Valentines Day I hope we receive clarity about the years ahead. The world is confusing and divided. Technology is expanding and this will affect all aspects of our lives. When the Rapture happens a lot of people will leave. I expect the Anti- Christ will appear just before this happens.