Prophecy- God’s Will Be Done.
Read MoreA Prophecy Grocery Cart Part 5→
/In the Best and worst of times we are always offered Divine Mercy by Jesus worst of times Jesus offers us Divine Mercy
Read MoreWill Jesus Christ Return to Earth?
/In this post I ask Saint Germain if Jesus will return to earth and when this is could happen. I also share an old prayer which some believe dates back to the time of Jesus.
Read MoreReligion versus Spirituality
/So many of us struggle between organized religion and spirituality. Do they belong together? Saint Germain answers questions posed by myself and one of my students about this topic. We also discuss the role of Catholicism in the merging of religion and spirit.
Read MoreWhen Religion Fails You?
/Has organized religion failed you? Old souls know there is more. and organized religion takes us only part way.
Read MoreJesus on the Cross→
/There are always more questions to ask about the death of Jesus on the Cross.
Read MoreTwo Spirit Mediums- Two Readings In Ireland
/I just returned to the United States after three weeks in Ireland. I am a dual citizen so I try to make this trip every year. I love the open spaces in this enchanting land. There is a certain smell which is a mixture of grass, animals, peat, and the ocean. Somehow, the air seems fresher. Everywhere you look are open vistas, stone walls, hedgerows, and flowering azaleas and fuchsia bushes.
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As we approach Valentines Day I hope we receive clarity about the years ahead. The world is confusing and divided. Technology is expanding and this will affect all aspects of our lives. When the Rapture happens a lot of people will leave. I expect the Anti- Christ will appear just before this happens.