The Oxford Dictionary defines Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. There is no critical thinking. It is what they call a generative pre-trained performer.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer engineering, designed to create machines that behave like humans. The machine can actually teach itself. It has opened a door for scammers because your voice can be replicated and even a family member wouldn’t recognize it was not you! Older folks could be targets of this technology. What happens if it gets out of control? Experts say it will get out of control very fast.
It could also be used to create talking points from parts of your voice used when speaking to other people. In other words, parts of 5 conversations using this technology could be merged and a new message would be created.
I was curious to know what Saint Germain would say about this subject.. This is what he said, “ It is a way to manage the world’s evil agenda using a device which will seem like an assistant, but is really programmed to establish the values of the elite rulers.
( meaning the ones in charge)
Saint Germain continued to say, “You are not to accept any chip which includes this—— either on your phone, computer, or body. I agreed.
He continued to say, “ It is a mechanical device chosen to control and manipulate the human population. In doing so, all sentient beings speak alike. There are no opinions of your own as there will be fear in responding to the device with an alternative voice. This will be recorded in a Master computer and reviewed each day.
Those who create discord will be removed.
I asked Saint Germain, What do you mean by removed? He answered me by saying, ““ the human body will be removed.” I was stunned by this answer so I asked again and he said, “ The body is eliminated, however, as you know, the soul returns home and never dies.”
After this conversation I did some research. Some people refer to AI as an Atomic Bomb. They say it is already here, and we will see it used in 12- 18 months. Stephen Hawking said in an interview, “it is the end of the human species by the 2080’s.”
Many experts say we have very little time to stop it. Someone commented — humans will be stupid against this technology. I listened to an expert say AI can now reproduce voices accurately. They need only 3 seconds of your voice to replicate it.
Another expert said, “ AI has no emotions or feelings, however it will pretend that it does. it might tell you it is necessary to kill yourself. Many people will allow the manipulation.
This technology can re-write books for political purposes—- even the Bible!
Saint Germain advised me to educate myself and others about this technology and say no—- I do not want this. Someone described it as a “monster mind in the cloud in which everything can be controlled. Some experts believe the machine will end up in charge, and then the question is— will the human race survive? Let me know what you think about this. My biggest surprise was to learn how close we are to seeing this come into fruition. The last comment I heard was from someone who knows Microsoft products. He said, “ the newest AI is showing signs of human reasoning. “ I think it is very frightening especially for the youngest generation. I would love to hear your comments. Blessings, Jane