Your Questions

I get so many questions every year from all of you. Saint Germain’s answers were very interesting. I may make this a yearly tradition and answer your questions the first month in the New Year. I chose a couple I thought were interesting and I brought them to Saint Germain.

The first question is about the Nomoli.  I was asked the question by a gentleman who has researched these statues which have been found in Sierra Leone and been dated back to around 17,000 BC. His question was where are they from? The people of the area believe they provide good luck and that they have come from heaven. When researchers have taken them apart they have found metal balls inside and the metal balls date from 2000 BC but certainly not as far back as 17,000. 

This is my conversation with Saint Germain

Saint Germain – yes indeed – there are many mysteries unable to be solved by man at this time, as there has been no contact with extraterrestrials or those from other worlds in which the human being communicates directly with the one from afar. This will change, and it is time for all the mysteries to emerge. Not all humans are ready to hear the truth, but many are. There are vast numbers of habitable planets. Some not suitable for the body of the human form, but others contain vegetation and water. The Nomoli statues of which you speak come from one of the further stars in the galaxy of the Milky Way.  The spiritual hierarchy calls this planet Enopia.

Jane – Is it an advanced civilization?

St. Germain – Yes, it is one of the more advanced civilizations and is far ahead of earth in respect to practicing connection with other sentient beings and in seeing the other like himself. This is the key-- to love one another and it is considered as valuable to this civilization as their own personal souls.  One must see another as valuable as their own soul. The Enopians came to earth to explore and the statues were markers at the time – to find their way back to the original blue planet – or water world as they called it. These people will come again to visit earth.

Jane- I believe the material in the statues might have been a homing device?

Jane- Why won’t the government tell us about UFOs? Are people being abducted?

Saint.Germain – Your government lives in fear of revealing this well-kept secret. This fear is focused on planetary disruption. You see, the ones coming to visit earth are part of a plan to prepare the way. World leaders and the military complex in your major countries are aware of other beings and civilizations. There is been much discussion taking place in a small group as to when the time is right. Many world religions and beliefs will have to merge in order to see the connections which exist throughout the universe. There is no end to this vast space and one’s brain capacity to understand this is not capable of grasping the vastness of space. Simply know you are not alone and upon entrance to the higher initiations we will demonstrate the way to enlightenment and understanding of this fact.

(Initiation is a stage we go through and various times in our return back spirit. I share a lot of information about this in my spiritual mastery class.

Jane - How are crop circles made? Alice Bailey answered this question.

Some of you know that she has begun to work with me and was a great Theosophical teacher. She was the great Tibetan Djul Khul in a previous was with some humor she responded to my question.

Alice- There are subtle reasons for the symbols and part of the plan is to open the minds of the human race to the presence of others in the universe. The circle is a universal symbol of love and connection. Other aspects and symbols within the circles also have meaning. This is a greeting, and you should consider it as a warm and loving hello.

Jane – Why do some people experience abductions if in fact there is only peace loving aliens in the universe?

Alice – This is a concern to the Spiritual Hierarchy as there are some in the universe who break the rules of our contracts with worlds and believe in scaring those on earth. There has been difficulty in working with certain civilizations.

Jane – How are the crop circles made?

Alice – The circles are made with ionized energy and it is invisible.

Jane- There is an asteroid named wormwood that is supposed to hit the earth in 2029. Will it hit the earth and will scientists try to interfere with it so they can sample a piece of it?

Saint Germain – Yes indeed there is an asteroid that will come very close to earth but it will not affect planet earth. We will discourage any attempt by scientist to sample this body of matter. There are those within your established government who are aware of this

Jane – Who knows? For instance does President. Trump know?

Saint Germain – No, he would not be told. There is one person who keeps the secrets in the Western Hemisphere and one in Europe and one in the East.

I found this fascinating--- only three individuals hold the secrets.

Jane- Who was Beethoven? They say he wrote the seventh Symphony in 24 minutes. I the music seems to have a healing effect. Who was he in the past?

St. Germain – Very good observation. Beethoven is a high-level initiate and will join the hierarchy soon. He created the music to affect the vital body of man and to mark those who listen to the music with the capacity to love. This is energy which brings forth emotions, but also has an inner effect on the vital body. Some souls benefit greatly. All sound has meaning.

Thank you for your interest in my work. I will do another post this year with your questions. I keep a file! Sending many Blessings out to all of you! Jane