Disclosure-- Could it be Close?


 I believe we are being prepared to be told we are not alone in the universe? This is referred to as disclosure, or making facts known to the public.  There seems to be more information about UFO’s UAP’s ( Unidentified Aerial phenomena) on shows like the History Channel and even the nightly news.  Tucker Carlson on Fox news often shares stories about an object photographed in the sky. He has also interviewed some of the key players involved in disclosure on his nightly news show which is very unusual.  I asked Saint Germain if we are being prepared for this information. I wondered why we are now seeing more information in our news and papers about this subject. When will we find out?

 He said I had already met those from other worlds prior to my birth. He continued to say, “Some are protected and sheltered from this knowledge until they are spiritually awakened enough to love a species quite unlike the one with which they are familiar. So, this will be revealed slowly. First with the sight of an unknown being, and then there will be a conference and pictures will be released. The history of various species will also be discussed.

So from what Saint Germain says, it appears there will be a news conference?

He said the knowledge is imminent and it has been decided by those in the military complex to bring planet Earth into full and total transparency regarding the presence of life in the universe.  He said, “The universe is teeming with life. To see the variety of life will raise mankind to a more spiritual plane. Just as you see the variety of plants, animals and human forms; the same abides in other worlds.”

He said this will this happen in my life and he uses the words very soon! I asked about Antarctica? There is a place in Antarctica where pilots are not allowed to fly.  There has been a report from some of these pilots that there is something unusual in Antarctica. I wondered if there could be an extraterrestrial base there or if the Nazis established a place there after or during World War II?

Saint Germain said there are areas of the continent committed to the development of certain vehicles for the use in interplanetary transport. There is a secret group working on these projects. It will be revealed at the same time as disclosure.

I asked him if this is related to the possibility that Germany moved some of their sensitive information and technology to Antarctica after World War II, and he said no, it was not related to Germany and the only two countries knowledgeable about the place were England and the United States. He went on to say other countries will not be pleased when this becomes public knowledge.

I brought up a senator by the name of Marco Rubio who filed a Freedom of Information Act in order to learn more about the UFO question.  It is very unusual for a sitting Senator to bring this up.

Saint Germain said it was a signal, and he called it a key from which all else will be revealed.

So I asked, where do these extraterrestrials come from?

He laughed at my question and said, “Just as you know others humans who are Chinese, Russian, Scandinavian— these outer planetary beings are unique to their environment and heredity. They possess many body types, skin color, inter-relationships with their own groups, and gifts. The body is different outwardly, but each has a soul just as you, and has the same opportunity for many experiences. They are able to bend space and time. This technology will be shared with human beings soon. There will be changes – social, economic and governmental when this occurs.

I asked- why do they chase our aircraft?

He replied, “It is simply part of the program to be seen. There is a period of acclimation to their presence and the sightings are premeditated to get the attention of the planet as a whole.”

I asked him if there was a secret group here in the United States who has been part of this plan of disclosure over the years. Cory Goode is a man who claims he was part of a secret space program here in the United States.  I’ve heard him interviewed and he speaks about being part of this group.

Saint Germain said “yes, there is a group and he was asked to leak this information out as part of the global plan to release the news.

Of course I had to ask him if I would have the opportunity to meet an extraterrestrial.

He said yes, you will see and meet many before your transition home.

He went on to say there will be a conference on the planet in 2025. Details and photos will be shown to the public slowly.

I went on to ask him about the cattle mutilations we hear about on the History Channel. They are always preceded by a sighting of what looks like a little Tic Tac object in the sky.

He told me the cattle contain a substance only available in this particular animal. He continued to say, “The fluids in the animal are a remedy for a serious disease ravaging the species you know as the grays.  They are gentle species and very childlike in their relationships. All the sightings and abductions have been linked to the desire on their part to save their species.”

He said abductions have taken place without the consent of the interplanetary counsel and been executed by this species. They are on a search around the universe to find a substance which will cure the disease. This substance which sustains them on their planet is lacking and has been used up. It would be like the Earth’s oceans drying up.

I asked him if I could share this information and he said yes, you may share. In sharing you also prepare others for the news.

I commented that we can’t even get along in this country, never mind the possibility of meeting a new species of sentient beings?

He said we will all work together and there are very old ones who will teach those in power to accept leadership positions in making connections with all species on a platform of love and shared responsibility for the Universe.

I had to ask if they exist under our oceans.

He said there are some landing bases on earth but most are in the northern regions of earth or far south. Some have the ability to land underwater. There is one large base devoted to a race which is not to be known yet. They use the oceans as places to rest.  He went on to say there would be a worldwide news conference with questions from the press.  Then there will be a wait before another is scheduled and then one group representing  many other worlds will gather at the United Nations to speak of their cultures and this will be aired all over the planet.

Jane – when will this happen

Saint Germain said the date is unknown and the current president is fully aware of the secret. He has traveled the world since taking office and met with those in power. Many world leaders know, however a few still do not believe.

This is interesting because President Trump has met with leaders all over the world since taking office.

I asked how many alien civilizations are visiting?  He brought in Oasphe. I have spoken with him in the past.    There is a blog post you can read of the earlier conversation.

Oasphe has a sense of humor and laughed. He said that the number is vast. Even we do not know those who are in the outer realms, and there is some do not wish to be known.

Jane – Do they have cures for our diseases such as cancer?

Oasphe -No, however we will work with your scientists more directly, and they will also work with us to solve mutual problems both internal and external.

Jane – Are they here but disguised as humans?

Saint Germain –- Yes, but this is only in the connection with the military. They prepare you for the truth and in small ways are preparing you to accept this into your lives and to love these others who do not resemble you. To them, the human form is very unstable. They see your small arms and short legs as deterrents to movement. Some are built with highly flexible and tall structures.

I also inquired whether warring planets still existed.r

Saint Germain said my question was expected and he said, “There are still many warring planets; however, there are an equal number which have overcome the need to assume leadership and control of others.

Oasphe- When this occurs there will be a celebration on your planet and nothing will ever be the same. You will enter the community of the universe and be a part of more than simply your isolated and often selfish ways. All countries on earth will see themselves as one. You will be of the earth; not of a specific land. The planet will seem small in comparison to the size of the universe. Each species will be introduced and the earth will join an alliance of planets and participate in the greater good of sentient life.

Jane – Will we be able to bend space and time?

Oasphe- Yes. We travel from your location to the other side of your planet in under 30 minutes. This technology will be shared only with those who have good intentions. We will teach you to be united in love and for all and to see the earth as one place with shared responsibilities regardless of past conflicts. Your planet will be changed in 100 years.

There is a wonderful web-site which lists all Unidentified objects seen over the United States in every month. It is the National UFO Center. You can check your own community and see if anything has been recorded. The link is - http://www.nuforc.org/

  It seems to me the year 2020 is just the beginning of change for all of us here. There will be an overwhelming shift in the minds of men and woman during the next four years. In the end, all will be as it should; governed by universal understanding that all are connected despite language, culture, and physical differences.     I believe our current administration is setting the stage for this to happen.

 In some ways 2020 seems to be a door which will open up new possibilities for all of us!

Many Blessings to you all, Jane