Physical Mediumship

 Physical Mediumship

 Last month I participated in a group session with a physical medium.   The definition of a physical medium is: “ Physical mediums are believed to produce materialization of spirits, apports of objects, and other effects such as knocking, rapping, bell-ringing, etc. by using "ectoplasm" created from the cells of their bodies and those of séance attendees.”

In the session I attended the medium precipitated images of guides, family members, angels, or spiritual teachers on a blank card in color.

Physical mediumship is very rare and it is said that there are probably only a handful of good physical mediums in the world. It is also said it can take 10 or 20 years for physical mediumship to develop.

After the session I asked Saint. Germain to comment on this type of mediumship. He said he enjoyed watching me during the session and I should understand it was a very rare art.   He continued to say this and I quote,” there are very few souls in the world capable of creating visual images through thoughts. As you know, thoughts are real and there are those who will precipitate their thoughts upon a surface. This gentleman is such a person.”

Now I’ll explain a little more for those of you who are not familiar with this. Prior to the gathering each person who participated was asked for three names of individuals they would like to connect with on the other side. In my case I listed my father, my best friend, and  my brother.  Saint Germain was not given as a name. The medium shows the participants his tools which are crayons, markers, pencils and pens. There is also blank paper in the form of squares. These all go into the box. We are all shown the box filled with crayons pencils and cards. The box is sealed and always visible to the group on the table. The medium blind folds himself and adds additional blind folds to insure nothing can be seen through the physical eyes.

The medium then goes into a deep trance state and begins to do readings for the group one at a time. He brings in souls that have passed on to the spiritual realm and describes them to each person along with some interesting details to validate the spiritual presence.

It was clear to me at the end of the session the medium was tired. There were approximately 12 people in the group. Of course, when he got to me Saint Germain immediately showed up. I am a public person so he could have easily looked me up on the Internet ahead of time and known that I am a spiritual medium myself working with Saint Germain.  I don’t believe that was the case because of what Saint Germain said to me afterwards.   I’ll share that in a few moments.

At the end of the session the spiritual medium opened up the box and took off his blindfolds. Each card had been named beforehand with the individual it belonged to.   As he lifted each card out of the box there were beautifully painted images on the cards with the names of who they represented. Each card was unique and different.

Here is my conversation with Saint Germain. I asked him about this form of mediumship.

St. Germain said, “There are very few souls in the world capable of creating visual images through thoughts. As you know, thoughts are real and there are those who will precipitate their thoughts upon a surface. This gentleman is such a person. His thought comes first and this is attached to the card as a thought form. His teachers create the colors.”

Jane – So you’re saying this is real?

Saint Germain – Yes indeed but again it is a rare gift.

Jane – During the session you are the only one who came forward for me,however, there were others that were on the card the medium removed from the box.   It was somebody by the name of Doctor O’dlum--- it had the hyphen also.

Saint Germain – Yes, there are others here who are part of my circle. As my energy came out in the presence of the medium, so did my thought form. The others are part of the group under my leadership. You have a previous relationship with both. The medium was given their names.

The first person in spirit was Doris Maude O’dlum. I looked her up and she was a well-known psychiatrist in England.

St. Germain replied, she was a doctor and was well known in her time in her physical body. She will help you with your work. A psychiatrist will bring a new perspective and when you encounter a soul with deep emotional trauma.  Doris will be helpful.

Jane – what should I call her?

St. Germain – Call her Maude. She is here.    I listened to her very British accent as she said, “Hello dear child. I am very pleased to be here and I will assist you and Saint Germain in the work of healing the mind. The body is not my area of expertise, however, I do understand the potential of the mind and thoughts just as you do, correct?”

 I responded and said, “ I fully understand in my conversations with St. Germain the power of thoughts. I went on to tell her I come from a family with British roots named Halliwell and they were in the area of Manchester England before they came to the United States.

Maude told me she lived close to London in her last life and I was familiar with the West Coast of England.  She went on to say that she would travel with me if I have the opportunity to go.

On the back of the card there was also the name Peppy --- it was probably my best friend named Peggy!   Peggy was on my list. I think that was close enough for me! Peppy and Peggy are close!

There was another name on the card and I asked about a spirit names Violet Snyder. He responded she was a lovely friend from a life in Ireland.  He said, “You were in Ireland during its founding as a country with sovereign rights. Violet is all you need to say. She chose this name after arriving here. There is a connection with me and the Violet flame. Snyder was a previous name in another life.

Jane – How will I work with Violet?

St. Germain- You will not work with her while still in a human body on earth, however, she is my assistant in the work we do and Violet assists in structuring my work. She is in a busy community and someday you will be a member of this community yourself.

  The image I have used this month is the precipitated card I received.  I photographed both sides.   I hope this has sparked your interest in Physical mediumship.     

My experience reminds us of how important thoughts are. In this blog post St. Germain is actually saying that thoughts not only create the circumstances of our lives, but they can actually be precipitated or manifest in a physical form or an image. How amazing is that!

 I recommend two books about thoughts. One is my own – Daily Wisdom from the Ascended Master Saint. Germain by Jane Halliwell Green. The other is The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel.

I am my sending thoughts of a better end to 2020 and a great 2021! Stay safe, Blessings, Jane